Done With My PhD
I’m finally done with my PhD. It’s been a long time, and many people—myself included—questioned whether it would ever actually happen. After all, for...
ADHD, Gamedev, & Self-Discovery
I learned last year that I have ADHD. This has probably been the single most important discovery of my adult life—on a personal level and especially on a professional and creative level.
Reflections on 2020
The end of the year always feels like a good time for reflection, and 2020 is a year that really demanded for us to...
Creativity and COVID
Last week I was on a panel for Pax Online about creativity in the time of the pandemic. I spoke about Fortnightly Fiction Jam and how I'm using that as a balance for the other projects I'm working on, which are all long-term, expansive projects. Some takeaways from the panel included...
Fortnightly Fiction Jam
Fortnightly Fiction Jam is a series of interactive fiction writing sprints that I recently started up. It's been a lot of fun.
Worries for Academia
We are the intellectual frontline against an undercurrent that is giving rise to authoritarianism. It is our duty to understand and uphold our values in the face of those who hope to crush them out of us for their own gain.