
Done With My PhD

I’m finally done with my PhD. It’s been a long time, and many people—myself included—questioned whether it would ever actually happen. After all, for...

ADHD, Gamedev, & Self-Discovery

I learned last year that I have ADHD. This has probably been the single most important discovery of my adult life—on a personal level and especially on a professional and creative level.

Picking Up

I went from starry-eyed designer to grizzled, cynical industry vet over the span of 3 months, and I had the battle scars to prove it.

Recovery, Humor, and the Healing Power of Play

The following was a post I never had a chance to publish in the wake of my surgery recovery. Since lots of folks asked...

You Never Call, You Never Write

The last post on this site came just before I went in for leg surgery a little over a year ago. I thought I’d...

Lost My Voice

Today I found an old blog that I wrote just out of college (I won’t link it because I foolishly used real first names...