
The State of the Industry?

The GDC 2025 State of the Games Industry Report has arrived, but it's nowhere near as representative of the industry as Matthew Ball's incredibly thorough report.

Done With My PhD

I’m finally done with my PhD. It’s been a long time, and many people—myself included—questioned whether it would ever actually happen. After all, for...

Worries for Academia

We are the intellectual frontline against an undercurrent that is giving rise to authoritarianism. It is our duty to understand and uphold our values in the face of those who hope to crush them out of us for their own gain.

Recovery, Humor, and the Healing Power of Play

The following was a post I never had a chance to publish in the wake of my surgery recovery. Since lots of folks asked...

ACM Hypertext 2016: Juried Hypertext Exhibition

This year, the ACM Hypertext Conference is offering a Creative Track in an effort to bring in more artists, which I have graciously been asked to Chair. This year's conference theme is "missing link," which is perfect for how we see this exhbition.

Scholars Play

Since I was very young, I have hated playing video games in front of people, especially if I’ve never played the game before. This...