
I've been reading some posts lately on the return of the linklog (also called link blogging). This is the kind of blogging that used to be ubiquitous on the web about 15 years ago, and I'm thinking about returning to it.
image cover of the book Radical Confidence by Lisa Bilyue

Radical Confidence

Radical Confidence is a breezy entrance to the self-help isle that is part memoir, part confidence advice guide. Bilyeu invites you in for a cup of tea to tell you the story of her transition from shy geeky Greek girl to co-founder of Quest Nutrition and Youtube sensation.

Done With My PhD

I’m finally done with my PhD. It’s been a long time, and many people—myself included—questioned whether it would ever actually happen. After all, for...

Big Potential

In Big Potential, Shawn Achor continues his explorations into what makes us happy and successful. He argues that a focus on individual achievement limits us from achieving the "big potential" we can reach as part of a "star-cluster" community.

The Happiness Advantage

Common wisdom holds that if we just get that promotion, lose a few pounds, reach our goals, then we'll be successful, and happiness will follow as a result. Shawn Achor argues that we've got that backwards: success follows happiness.

ADHD, Gamedev, & Self-Discovery

I learned last year that I have ADHD. This has probably been the single most important discovery of my adult life—on a personal level and especially on a professional and creative level.